Sushi is a Japanese dish. The dish consist of raw fish and vinegered rice. Most interesting fact about sushi is , the rice is cooked with ginger yet the meet is raw(fish is common) . [ i don't know how they eat it :-D ]
There are many verity of sushis available in japan and all around world. Still there are three main categories according to the shape and location of raw meat.
- Nigrizushi:("hand-pressed sushi") consists of an oblong mound of sushi rice that the chef presses into a small rectangular box between the palms of the hands, usually with a bit of wasabi, and a topping (the neta) draped over it. Neta normally tuna or other seafood.
- Makisuzhi:("rolled sushi")is a cylindrical piece, formed with the help of a bamboo mat, called a makisu . Makizushi is generally wrapped in nori (seaweed), but is occasionally wrapped in a thin omelette, soy paper, cucumber, or shiso (perilla) leaves. Makizushi is usually cut into six or eight pieces, which constitutes a single roll order.
- Temaki:("hand roll") is a large cone-shaped piece of nori on the outside and the ingredients spilling out the wide end. A typical temaki is about ten centimeters (4 in) long, and is eaten with fingers because it is too awkward to pick it up with chopsticks. For optimal taste and texture, Temaki must be eaten quickly after being made because the nori cone soon absorbs moisture from the filling and loses its crispness and becomes somewhat difficult to bite. For this reason, the nori in pre-made or take-out temaki is sealed in plastic film which is removed immediately before eating.